Think Like a Company, Act Like a Startup

Avoid being boring. Avoid having no confidence. Avoid having an, or whatever unprofessional email address you use and get a domain! It’s 2016! Bring on public speaking. Bring on all the social media platforms. Bring on ecosystems and networks. Bring on being a thought leader. Bring on an advisory board. Bring on consistency. Bring on scheduling. Bring on commitment. Bring on drive. Bring on passion. Bring on finding a mentor. Bring on listening. Bring on competitive grind….BRING IT ON!!!

Whether you are a company or a startup, or 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80 or 90 years old, your job is to stay relevant!

Check out my tips for thinking like a company & acting like a startup:

Startups Take Note of How Companies Think:

• Be legit from the beginning – incorporate, NDAs, shareholders agreements

• Protect your IP – if necessary

• Attract great advisors & professionals ex: accountant re: taxation, lawyer re: legal counsel, experienced entrepreneur re: scaling & growing your business

• Remember you are here to add value to the world and make money, so ensure you think thoroughly about profits, expenses and employee relations.

Companies Take Note of How Startups Think:

• Market for the year you are in

• Build a strong & energetic culture

• Select an ‘A’ team

• Push the boundaries by embracing innovation and creativity

• Do not be afraid of change or pivoting – avoid the comfy chair syndrome or you will lose ex. Blockbuster vs. Netflix, Uber vs. Taxi Industry!

• Create a business that people love to use and a company that people love to work for

At the end of the day the intention of this post is to inspire both startups and companies.

Companies should take note and understand that even if you are the Goliath in your industry, you should act like David; hungry to stay on top and doing whatever it takes to win. Gary Vaynerchuk says it the best “Too many businesses get left in the dust because they’re too comfortable with their current successes.” Don’t let this happen!

Startups should take note and ensure they are creating a business for the right reasons, something that can truly add value to the world and make money by attracting awesome customers and employees. You have a huge economical responsibility to innovate and change the world for the better – so stay fresh, stay professional and be legit! Your startup will go through growing pains, however, stick to it and turn your startup into a great company. And when you become Goliath, remember to always act like David 


To view the original article, click here.

By Nunzio Presta via From The Desk of BizON

Health. Happiness. Family. Success.

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Think Like a Company, Act Like a Startup