Passion or Stress? You Decide…
“When we work hard on something we believe in, it’s called passion.
When we work hard on something we don’t believe in, it’s called stress.” – Simon Sinek
Have you ever really taken a moment to stop and think about the things you do every day? The things you love to do, the things you hate to do and everything in between? If you haven’t – I strongly suggest that you do, especially when it comes to your job or career. No one in this world can expect to soar and excel in their career if they lack passion for what they do every day. Treating your job as just a 9 to 5 that brings home the bacon is a very dangerous way to think and live. It is dangerous because people with this mindset most likely do not like what they are doing for a living and probably don’t even put in half of the effort as they would if they were doing something they love.
We should all be just as passionate and excited about what we do as we are towards our hobbies and interests. If we all cared and believed in our work as much as we did about the coming of a new mobile device, an upcoming sporting event, or even a brand new music album, work related stress would be non existent. It would be non existent because putting in the extra effort in order to create a successful outcome would not feel as though it is a burden. If you feel that your job or career is a burden, I suggest you think about moving on because you are only adding unwanted and unnecessary stress to your life, which can effect your reputation, your health, your family – your overall well being.
If you are happy with your current position, kudos to you! If you are not, it wouldn’t hurt to do some research and seek out a career that could bring out the best in you. The BizON Community was created out of sheer passion and our team does not loathe even one second spent making our marketplace better and better every day. Our goal is to ensure that you find a business that will showcase your passion and belief for what you do in order to achieve the success you have always dreamed of.
Start your search by joining our growing community today and have a look at the variety of business opportunities that BizON has to offer.
From The Desk Of BizON