How to Improve Your Attitude in a Matter of Minutes

Most people think that your attitude is something that is ingrained in you forever and cannot be changed, but more and more experts have come out stating that your attitude is a mirror of your mood and environment. You can train your mind to ensure your mood is positive and optimistic, just as you are able to train your muscles to be leaner and bigger – this can happen in minutes and some claim even seconds. I have had the privilege of mentoring a powerful, vibrant and passionate entrepreneur who moved to Canada from Italy just a few years ago. Her name is Eleonora Andretta and she is the founder of Business Evolution Training. Currently, Eleonora is working on her book titled Positive Elimination and as part of her research, she chatted with a Neurologist who stated: “You can train your mind and your neurological system. And if you train your neurological system your mind will follow. Therefore, by training your neurological system, you can make certain reactions (emotions) automatic, just like when you learn how to drive and you no longer ‘think’ about your movements.” I feel this finding is truly amazing as it showcases just how powerful your mind really is and reminds us that we have the ability to either be positive or negative – simple as that.

So, when Mel Robbins talks about her 5-second rule to take action, or when Gary Vaynerchuck aggressively and powerfully (and sometimes vulgarly) states: “Make Positivity Louder” – they’re damn right!

So, the question is….HOW ?

Read my full article on Thrive Global by clicking here.


Nunzio Presta, Founder & CEO, BizON



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How to Improve Your Attitude in a Matter of Minutes