CASL Survival Guide

Every day, BizON helps people buy, sell and grow businesses & franchises, connecting and educating everyone in involved. One way we have committed to educating our members is by engaging with preferred professional partners who can service our members efficiently and effectively. With that said, our commitment to educating our members begins with offering insightful content such as today’s blog entry by our partner Matthew Georgiadis from Elite Email.

Canada’s Anti-Spam Legislation (CASL) – one of the most aggressive anti-spam laws in the world – has been in effect since July 2014.

It has been a long journey for this piece of legislation that began its story in May 2004 with the Federal Task Force on Spam. Over the years, the Government of Canada has received input from hundreds of stakeholders with an interest in responsible electronic messaging, in an effort to create what it hopes is a comprehensive law.

The final regulations for CASL were released Dec. 4, 2013, which provided strict guidelines on what is, and is not, acceptable. In addition, it included important exceptions for charities, third-party referrals, and political parties, along with other key modifications.

Unrestricted implied consent will become a thing of the past. So if you’re emailing or texting people in Canada, you’d better make sure you have their express permission to do so (or valid implied consent), because the consequences could be very expensive.

Compliance planning should go into high gear now and many organizations are unsure of how to prepare. We set up this survival guide to provide you with the essential information to navigate the path ahead.

This free guide outlines in layman’s terms: the regulations, timing, requirements, penalties and exemptions surrounding CASL. Consent is at the heart of the new law. The guide helps organizations identify whether or not they have proper consent, and if not, how to secure it prior to the imminent deadline, via a step-by-step action plan. For your free CASL Survival Guide click here.

For more information on the CASL and the services Elite Email offers click here. Also, please feel free to email Matthew Georgiadis directly at with any pressing inquiries or questions.


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CASL Survival Guide