5 Stress Busters all Business Owners Should Know

Owning and operating a business comes with major responsibility – and major responsibility can be accompanied by the “S” word we all loathe beyond comprehension, STRESS. At some point in our careers we will all encounter stressful moments and situations that test both our mental and physical strength. Luckily, there are many tips and tricks to better manage and prevent stress from effecting both your business life and personal life. Here is a list our favourite stress busters:

  1. Exercise: We all have our excuses as to why we are unable to put aside 30 minutes of our day, but we all know that it is truly important that we do. The trick is to stop associating exercise to physical health only and realizing the impact it has on us mentally. Exercising will help release and reduce stress, as well as boost energy and positive thinking. When our minds are filled with positive thoughts we work more effectively, solve problems with less stress and more ease and most importantly, we get positive results! So go to bed a half hour earlier at night, wake up a half hour earlier in the morning and work that jog, cycle, or Pilates class into your busy schedule in order to kick stress out of it!
  2. Make a List & Schedule your Day: Many of us love to pride ourselves on our fantastic memory, however, the many interruptions that can occur throughout the day can cause us to forget a very important task or phone call. Making a list or using your phone or email calendar to schedule your daily tasks will not only help you complete them efficiently and on time, but it will also allow you to allot a specific amount of time to do so. It will also already give you a clear picture of what your day is going to look like so you can focus on what you need to accomplish rather than panic or stress over getting it done. Stay prepared!
  3. Take Breaks: I cannot stress how important it is to take a break at some point in your day. We sometimes think that we are able to get more done without taking a second to breathe, but this could not be further from the truth. Not taking any breaks can actually cause you to be less efficient, add stress to your day and can also tire you out a lot quicker. Be sure to get away from your desk while you eat your lunch and get some fresh air so that you can clear your mind before you conquer the rest of the day with ease. You will be amazed at what a few deep breaths of fresh air can do.
  4. Get a Hobby: Having an activity or hobby to look forward to can help take your mind off and release any stress you may accumulate throughout the day. Like exercise, your favourite hobby will help remove stress and negative thoughts and make way for a more positive outlook and fresh start to the days and week ahead. So make sure your make a little time for the things you love to do like going to the movies, going for a joy ride, painting or playing an instrument, and allow yourself to take positive thinking to the next level and kick daily stresses out the door.
  5. Know when to be OFFLINE: In a world that is so connected and advanced, it allows us to be up to speed with absolutely anything to the exact minute. This can actually become a serious mental burden. It is extremely important that we give ourselves time to rest our minds and bodies and disconnect with our email and social media outlets so that we can regenerate and spend time with our families and friends without hiding behind a screen. Without disconnecting, we allow ourselves to always be “ON” and “Connected”, which can cause stress, anxiety and also disrupt our sleeping patterns, leaving us tired and restless. So, give yourself time to remove yourself from the cyber world and take a walk to the park with your family; go grab a coffee and have a quick chat with your friends; catch up on your favourite television series or curl up with a good book, you will be pleasantly surprised how refreshing it is to detach yourself from your phone or tablet.

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5 Stress Busters all Business Owners Should Know